Books Name - #Messages from Water and the Universe
Author - #Masuru Emoto
Language – English
and Japanese
Genre – Non-fictional,
self - help, spirituality
Date: July 2010
Media type – print
and e- book
Pages – 122
Price – Rs. 499 /-
About the author –
Masuru Emoto is a globally
renowned Japanese researcher who has gained worldwide admiration. Emoto is a
graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and
sciences with a focus on international relations, and he received certification
as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine from the Open International University. Masaru
Emoto has written many books, including the New York Times bestseller The Hidden Messages in Water, and his
books have been published in twenty-four languages. He has written more than 15
books on this topic.
The book is divided
into three chapters followed by conclusion
Chapter I – #Water is the messenger of God’s Will
In this chapter the
author explains how water takes the role of god’s messenger by bridging the gap
between the worlds. In detail he also explains how the world is born out of
vibrations and how each creation maintains a certain frequency. This all is
beautifully explained in a scientific way with the help of quantum physics.
He then goes on to
explain human relations in terms of resonances. He explains how in human
relations as well as in nature the combination of two different sounds that
don’t resonate will move towards destruction – the opposite of creation. He firmly believes that God used only good
vibrations to create earth. He combined vibrations with creative energy to
express his intentions and creativity and the mediator is water, as water is
the only thing that can transfer vibrations. God created water to carry out his
plan for the world and within the center of the plans are two important
energies – love and gratitude.
He also discusses
the experiment he conducted by forming beautiful crystals that he calls the
crystals of love and gratitude. Emoto, in his research has visually captured
the structure of water at the moment of freezing, and through high-speed
photography he has shown the direct consequences of destructive thoughts and
the thoughts of love and appreciation on the formation of water crystals. He
has tried to show how our thoughts can influence water. Water has profound
implications for our health and the well-being of the planet.
Chapter 2 – #How
does water store and transfer information?
When you speak words of love and peace and
serenity to water it makes incredible designs, and when you use dissonant
language like anger or hate, the crystals deform and make scattered, ugly, and misshapen
forms. Water is energy and 70 percent of our bodies are water. The power of
water is a power untapped in us. Imagine the power we have if only we could
collectively apply this wisdom that has been within our grasp all along. What
would happen if we use this powers for the well-being of earth. He explains how our prayers, goodwill, and
positive words heal us humans-as well as viruses and the universe as a
whole-through water. Dr. Emoto explains that the fact that water has lost its
true form shows that our way of living has moved away from God's will, so we
should be aware of our Creator's alert to "correct the way we are living
He explains how added chlorine to water has
affected our bodies. He further explains how the typical problem of old age - memory
loss and confusion - may be caused by the decrease of water within our body, as
water retains information. He also points out how tap water can be linked to
cancer. He says that cancer cells attack healthy cells, and kill them. That
destructive energy is magnified by the chlorine found in our tap water. At the
same time, he feels it represents our egoistical, selfish way of life. He had
performed many experiments in the regard and few are demonstrated there in this
chapter. Here he shares the experience from the second purification experiment,
which took place at lake Biwa. After prayers by large group of people the
harmful odour from the lake soon disappeared, the experiment was also reported
in various newspapers.
Chapter 3 – #The
Spiritual power and possibilities of water.
In this chapter, the writer says that we should
acknowledge and explore the potential of water, and if this happens humankind
will be saved; and each of us will become stronger, happier and more content.
He also believes and discusses how the key to
the future is the activation of DNA. If we can tap into 100% of our DNA, we can
utilize all the potential that God has given us.
Conclusion – #Improving immunity with the energy of love and gratitude
Emoto concludes that if the heart is filled
with energy of love and gratitude, we will not be in danger because that
powerful energy is the immunity that God has given us.
Critical evaluation
#Masuru Emoto's name has become synonymous with
water and the memory and sensitivity of water. He is considered as a pioneer in
the field that Science has only recently began to address. He began his
discovery into the mystery of water as he learned the concept of micro-cluster
and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. Masuru Emoto's 15 extensive years
of study on water has given him the background to discuss what water is, how it
has been implicated in the creation of the universe, and why a perfect ratio of
Love and Gratitude can help this energy go on infinitely.
The book takes the readers on a quest to
understand how vibrations of words shape everything from water to our health
and life experience. The book is divided into three chapters and the last
chapter is the conclusion. The book has been published by Hay House USA. The
book has been translated into 45 Languages and three million copies have been
The book is written in an easy language and is
demonstrated with numerous photo collections of water crystals. The book is also an eye-opener about how our
thoughts, words and deeds affect water. Emoto has used 15 years of photographic
research to prove his theory that we are intimately connected to water. The book gives our minds the reason to accept
what our heart spontaneously knows. The author’s experimental and philosophical
and personal intuition offers the readers a novel and thought-provoking look
into the conscious use of words and intentions and how they affect our world. The information in this book is an important
step in revealing how we can modify our way of living to bring about true peace
on earth.
My view
I found this book to be a fascinating
book. Being a healer myself, this book was not just a presentation of factual
information, but it really got through me, and truly made me think of water in
a different scenario. After having read this book I feel truly enlightened. The
book contains a good number of photographs of water droplets exposed in
different conditions, that makes the book very attractive and conspicuous. The book
is very proactive, stimulating, and based on scientific research and a must
read for all.