Healing through Reiki and Silva Meditation Method
Abstract – Today as we are approaching towards a world of uncertainty and doubt, much spiritual work is required to be done at individual level as well as group level. The paper is an attempts to define #Reiki and #SilvaMethod of Meditation. With a bit of knowledge and understanding of these healing techniques everyone can become healthier, more productive and a better person on this planet.
“If we are willing to the mental work, almost anything can be healed”-#Dr.Louise.L.Hay
Albert Einstein proved that everything is energy. We are energies. Today we can find many people who work with different energies on a spiritual level. In the past, the auric field had been known to be associated with health and healing. In the past, the knowledge of the field had been based of observation, assumption and fantasies. However, today as science, progresses and we learn more about bio energy, the energy field that is directly connected to our health, it is becoming more acceptable within the medical paradigm. A new view about health and healing based on old methods is gaining popularity and result today, when the world round is facing crisis of all types
We may call it history or myth or legend or a fable or blind belief, but even in this age, many of us believe in the healing and other psychic gifts that Jesus, Buddha, Saibaba and other saints have demonstrated. All people can learn to tap into the deeper source within them. Today we have professional Healers who can channelize universal energies and accelerate our healing process. #KathleenMilner in her book Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing discusses different rays of elemental healing. She discusses five types of healing energies that are associated with five elements ie. earth, water, fire, sky and air. She believes that Reiki comes from the element earth and is fundamental to all of the other elementary healing rays. While #Silver Method Of Meditation is a quite scientific approach to the same.
Medical science says that ninety percent of health problems are psychosomatic. Dr. John Hageline in #The Secret says that our body is really the product of our thoughts. Stress is the product of our negative thoughts, so with positive thought we can change our life .Dr. Ben Johnson also believes that by removing physiological stress from the body, and the body does what it was designed to do. That is it heals itself. Around us, we also people who say that they would to anything to heal themselves, anything but looking within. Through Reiki and Silva Meditation, one can live life in a positive way.
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is the combination of two Japanese words meaning Universal Life Energy. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress management and relaxation. It is derived from rei, meaning “free passage” or “transcendental spirit” and ki, meaning “vital life force energy” or “universal life energy”.Reiki is based on the theory that individuals health depends upon the “life force energy” which flows through our body. Relationship between our health and this energy is direct to each other i.e. if life force energy is less health is low and vice versa. Managing health through Reiki is very old technique where Reiki also cured different diseases.
Reiki brings out deep relaxation, obliterates energy blockage and heal through increase of vibration frequency of the body. It is a process were energy transfers from healer to recipient and provides total stress management. It also needs an active participation of the recipient for the treatment. Reiki uses some specific techniques for restoring and balancing the natural life force energy within the body. It is an age-old system of holistic healing that is used to ease pain and promote relaxation and overall well-being to those anxious individuals. Reiki is not difficult to learn. It does not require special medical knowledge. In fact, it is the simplest method. One has only to use his/her hands to carry out the process to use life energy of Reiki .One Reiki is used it produces a sensation of inner bliss and harmony. Reiki refers to the life force or energy that is channelled through the palms. Reiki is designed to help achieve balance and assist in healing through a natural healing system.
Disease or disorder in any particular area definitely effects whole body hence, the use of Reiki is best applied to the whole body for revitalizing the body. Body is not divided into parts as machine but it is a web of energy and Reiki helps to recharge one through its life force energy. With the help of proper flow of energy in our body, Reiki can help us fight many diseases.
Our rishies who wrote Atharveda used the method extensively for healing of mind and body. The modern science has also accepted that there is a relationship between body and mind. That is why more and more people around the globe are drawn towards – Reiki –a natural way of healing. Kathleen Milne, fells that, at the heart of all our issues are the inversions, denials, misconceptions, distortions and omissions, which we mask with humour, sophistication and overwork .Behind the mask, problem fester, causing disease, pain, fear, depression and anxiety .As we move up in Reiki we allow God’s love, joy and creativity etc. to flow through us.
Reiki is not a faith or other religious healing, although it may sound like it is, and the effectiveness of Reiki is not based on religious dogma acceptance. It is not required for the recipient to have a belief system in order for Reiki to work. Although Reiki has principles that promote spiritual empowerment and growth and is very spiritual in nature, it does not conflict with anyone’s beliefs. It does not matter who you are, your gender, religion, aptitude, nationality, or what your financial status is, Reiki is a gift of vitality and energy that is offered to everyone. Reiki does not hurt, but it can give you the sensations of warmness and coolness, or a sensation of tingling, throbbing, numbness, itchiness or drowsiness.
A Reiki Master can perform a ritual atonement where Reiki symbols are used in energetic placement in sequential actions to the recipient’s palms and crown. Each hand placement is given at least five minutes of devotion, to ensure that no body part is neglected and given equal consideration. Reiki is an indefinite supply of energy that will never run out, no matter how much you use it. Even if you are giving a Reiki treatment to a recipient, you are not losing any of your own energy; you are only giving your time and your assistance to aid the recipient. No mental involvement is ever needed with Reiki; the energy flow will automatically go to where it needs to go, without mental engagement. Although, if you choose to become mentally involved, this can open a linear alleyway that clears a route to allow Reiki to move more smoothly and effectively to the part of the body that needs it most. The choice is up to you.
The practice of Reiki can greatly control life’s daily stresses and even assist in pain management. Many practitioners highly regard Reiki for its gift of balance and the relaxing effects it has on them, physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually. There are also special energy treatments that Reiki Masters and practitioners use to heal long distance. These energizing treatments can be transmitted to people or towards specific environments. Reiki energy treatments can be sent ahead with a fixed intention of making an atmosphere more relaxing and calming, especially for events in people’s lives such as social proceedings, job interviews, family gatherings, etc. Reiki can be a very rewarding experience to all who practice it and can greatly reduce the stresses in our everyday lives.
Various Reiki patricians that those who use Reiki raise their own life force energy quickly and they are less subject to stress or diseases have proved it. The recipient can feel a new vitality as energy infuses his life. While tension brings in anxiety and hostility, the life energy brings in love and tension is released new vitality flows into the body, the process of metabolize improves and one gets relaxed .Reiki makes us stress free as it energizes the body as well as soul, helps the body to heal itself, establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental balance.
While The Silva Method is a program that awakens and educates individuals to an expanded inner awareness for self power to change; to create a better and better life. The Silva Method was discovered and developed by Jose Silva. His discovery came more than 60 years ago. Through his study, practice and faith, Jose realized that within each of us is another world; the inner world where one’s Higher Self resides. To enter this inner world he has given us the techniques outlined in the Silva Method. The first and most important being the entrance to the Alpha level of consciousness. The Alpha level is the doorway to spiritual guidance, inspiration, intuition and higher consciousness.
Independent scientific studies carries out by #Jose Silva demonstrated that Alpha brain wave activity is associated with inner levels of mental activity, tranquility, rest, inspiration, creativity, accelerated healing, concentration, learning, memory, E.S.P. and many other phenomena. While Theta brain waves are related to deeper levels of meditation, concentration and potentially ever-greater learning and recall abilities. Participants in the Silva Method workshops learn, in just few hours of mental exercises how to function at lower brain frequencies under self-control and full awareness. The Silva Method is designed to help one learn to use more of the brain and elevate the creative powers of the mind using visualization, imagination, positive thinking and meditation. The method consists of guided exercises that allow learning in a relaxed alpha state where one is empowered with tools and techniques that can be applied to improve essentially every area of life.
With practice, one becomes more in tune with the inner self, enhanced ability to use both brain hemispheres, and the ability to use the higher consciousness to access information for problem solving. Each exercise leads to greater awareness, an increased ability to solve everyday problems, a better perspective of life, and greater success in manifesting one’s desires. By using the foundation of the Silva Method, which includes desire, belief, and expectancy, one can achieve personal greatness. The Silva Method can be learned by anyone. In the more than 40 years of existence The Silva Method has been taught to people of all ages, and walks of life.
The Silva Method can potentially change life for the better. The tools and techniques in The Silva Method are planned to influence every aspect of life, such as managing stress, improving the quality of thoughts, overcoming bad habits, improving learning ability, managing pain and discomfort, manifesting goals and even enhancing intuition.
Advantages of Reiki and Silva Meditation
· Reiki and Silva meditation gives you relaxation from your busy life.
· Strengthens the immune system.
· Clears the energy blockage if any.
· Reiki and Silva meditation works on physical, mental and emotional level.
· Reiki and Silva meditation works on symptoms and their deeper cause.
· Capable of heeling any mental or physical illness
· Releasing blocked energies and cleansing toxins
· Promotes growth and self confidence
· Promotes harmony within relationship
· Perception of inner clarity, wisdom, intuition, awareness and enlightenment
· Thus managing stress and tension
Friends, with the new age we are entering into an era of energy medicines .We are in the midst of a glorious era. With positive energy of Reiki, Silva Mind Control and other divine rays, we can understand the concept of love, peace, joy and self-approval. When we can truly live from the loving space of the heart, approving of over selves and trusting the Divine Power to provide us, peace and joy. Kathleen Milner in Reiki and Other Rays ...says –
We see outside, see a world of chaos, and blame God. When we look within and unscramble our misperceptions, then the world we create and live in mirrors back to us beauty and harmony. The greatest thing we can do to heal this planet is to heal ourselves. (p 28)
She further believes that tremendous changes on earth are having ramifications thought out the universe and beyond. The earth is in the process of moving into a greater golden age and the return of angles, which is why there is currently so much interest in them.
The above paper is just a humble attempt -a tip of an iceberg.
References -
Heal your body by Louise Hay. Hay House Publication, USA, 1984
Reiki and other Rays of Touch Energy by Kathleen Milner,United States Library of Congress, 1995.
Published – #‘Surashtriya’ Half yearly National Research Journal ,Year – 3 Issue – 1, April -September 2012. ISSN- 2249-4383.
Very true 👌article
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